Thursday, April 29, 2010


It's been about a year since the last time I wrote anything--anything at all--poetry, shorts, novel, stream of consciousness--anything--much less submitted a piece for publication, or even workshopped an old piece. (Does this blog count? No.) Nothing but heartache, sickness and disillusionment has followed me since my last publishing, and with lack of inspiration, this leaves me, well, uninspired. So again, as today's events unfold and crumble, the thickness in my chest grows stronger, pulsating like a migraine, though a little more south of the chin. One would hope that in every story the grand finale results in a happy ending. But reality is everchanging, never satisfied with the status quo and travels within the dips and ditches along the road of life. And such is life for hope may bring wildflowers and dandelions along the path. But will my story have this happy ending? I don't know, but when this chapter ends, please let me know.

On another note, such enigmatic events will probably leave you to much imaginations. I have all of these thoughts and plots and characters and setting in such detail in my head, spinning, discombobulated, jumbled up in idea and reason. So one day when this brain of mine releases it's noose of words and language, I will finally be free.

I attended a reading last night of writers who are revered, and all of which, I admire separately for each individual contribution to my own technique, style, skill. These are my mentors, for they are award-winning artists in my own community as well as nationwide. Their words, like sweet syrup to my soul, are my music and make my ears sticky sweet. These writers are storytellers of years and years, and just hearing authors such as these read their own words is impressive, indeed. Good God, if this doesn't inspire me now, I don't know what will.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Poison Ivy ruins my day...

So I doused the surreptitious vine with vinegar. And this was only after the whole bottle of Roundup. And it's STILL crawling all over my fence. Can I just knock down the fence and dig it up? My poor neighbors are oblivious. (Or are they??) Sometimes I hang out in the front yard, waiting for one of them to walk out so I can say, "Hey, you know I'm infected with a Poison Ivy rash all over my body. Went to the doctor and have been on steroids for a week or two. You think we can do something about it?" God, I itch just looking at that green border, swaying in the wind, 3 feet above the top of the fence, probably, no more than likely, dropping it's buds only to germinate on my side yard. And it stares right back at me, laughing, I'm sure of it. I want to grab the clippers and clip it (again), but I am too scared. Too scared and itchy. Afraid that those stinking ivy branches will fall on my head and then I would cry Bloody Murder. And then I would definitely have to go to the hospital. Then they would laugh at me too. Me and my rash. The internet says I could boil the vinegar with salt and douse it in that, but salt may affect the groundwater. Last resort maybe. What else? I'll borrow a goat. Goats like to eat Poison Ivy; they like to chow down on it, and at this point, I'm really considering it. But I don't think my neighbors will go for it. The damn goat would probably eat the grass too. Do you think I could sneak it in at night? Would they notice? I'll get me a Pygmy Goat. A tiny, little black one. Put it through that hole in the fence. They'll think its my dog, Chloe. Uggghhh! I itch thinking about it.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Double Knock-Out

This is a two post day.

Wow, never in my life have I ever been so excited to spend $200 plus on plants. Ten double knock-outs will soon adorn my front garden and my back patio!

I will soon have pics of these precious beauties!

Turbinado Sugar

My mom asked me today: "Why do you use the raw sugar instead of the regular white sugar?"

This is why: Turbinado sugar is a healthier alternative to white, refined sugar. It is lower in calories since it tends to hold more moisture. One teaspoon of white sugar packs 16 calories, as opposed to the Turbinado sugar, which has 11 for one teaspoon. Turbinado sugar isn't processed as much as white sugar, so it is naturally healthier for your body.

Why is it healthier? Turbinado Sugar is processed the natural way--completely free from any harmful chemicals such as phosphoric acid, formic acid, sulphur dioxide, preservatives, or any flocculants, surfactants, bleaching agents or viscosity modifiers.

It is also nutritionally rich & retains all natural mineral & vitamin content present inherent in sugarcane juice.

Nutrients in Turbinado Sugar:

(Per 100g)

Total Mineral salts 740 mg max.

Phosphorus (P) 3.9 mg max.

Calcium (Ca) 85 mg max.

Magnesium (Mg) 23 mg max.

Potassium (K) 100 mg max.

Iron (Fe) 1.3 mg max.

Imbalance in minerals is one prime cause of disease. Reason for this is over- consumption of refined products like refined sugars, refined oils, & refined salt. It is therefore vital to consume less processed, more natural & nutritious products such as the healthy & wholesome.

Turbinado sugar is also known as cane sugar or raw sugar. Turbinado sugar resembles brown sugar in that it is brown in color. However, brown sugar has a finer grain and is a bit darker in color. In recipes however, the two can be interchanged with delicious results. Both sugars have high moisture content, so they should be kept in an airtight container with a lid.

How is Turbinado sugar made? It comes from the first pressing of the sugar cane. It has large crystals and retains some of the molasses flavor, which is a natural byproduct of the sugar process.

You can use the interchangeably in baking, cooking, etc.

So, I promised her that I would give her a complete answer on my blog, so I could share with everyone else too!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day should be Every Day.

We should all try to live organic and eco-friendly, not only to keep ourselves healthier but also to drastically reduce our carbon footprint.

I found these facts that might make you think twice before pitching trash on garbage day.

  • Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to watch a TV for three hours - it's equivalent to half a gallon of gasoline.
  • Earth Day is a relatively new holiday and was first celebrated on April 22 in 1970. More than 20 million Americans participated in this first Earth Day celebration
  • Earth Day was founded by a senator of Wisconsin and the day is credited for creating the environmentalism movement.
  • April 22 is the first official day of Spring in the Northern hemisphere and of Fall in the Southern hemisphere and was chosen to be Earth Day for this reason.
  • Never underestimate the importance of recycling: if every newspaper was recycled, we could save about 250,000,000 trees each year. Unfortunately only 27% of all American newspapers are recycled.
  • More than 20,000,000 Hershey's Kisses are wrapped each day, using 133 square miles of tinfoil. All that foil is recyclable, but not many people realize it.
  • Only 11% of the earth's surface is used to grow food.
  • The world's first national park was started in 1872 at Yellowstone National Park in the US.
  • The first major international conference on environmental issues was held in Sweden in 1972 and was sponsored by the United Nations.
  • The first wildlife refuge was formed on Pelican Island Florida in 1903.
  • The patron Saint of ecologists is St. Francis and the first proclamation of Earth Day was made by the mayor of San Francisco in 1970.
  • A highlight of the annual Earth Day ceremony at the United Nations is the ringing of the Bell that was given to the UN by Japan. It is made from coins given by school children to further peace on our planet. 
Also...did you know?
  • The garbage in a landfill stays for a for about 30 years.
  • In 1995 over 200 of the world landfills were full. That is over 10 years ago!
  • Each person throws away approximately four pounds of garbage every day.
  • One bus carries as many people as 40 cars!
  • More than 1/3 of all energy is used by people at home.
  • Most families throw away about 88 pounds of plastic every year.
  • We each use about 12,000 gallons of water every year 1/3 of all water is used to flush the toilet.
  • The 500 million automobiles on earth burn an average of 2 gallons of fuel a day.
  • Each gallon of fuel releases 20 pounds of carbon dioxide into the air.
  • Approximately 5 million tons of oil produced in the world each ear ends up in the ocean.
  • The energy we save when we recycle one glass bottle is enough to light a traditional light bulb for four hours.
  • For every 2000 pounds of paper (1 ton) recycled, we save 7,000 gallons of water free from chemicals.
  • Recycled paper requires 64% less energy than making paper from virgin wood pulp, and can save many trees.
  • Every ton of paper that is recycled saves 17 trees.
  • The amount of wood and paper we throw away is enough to heat 50 million homes for 20 years
  • Earth is 2/3 water. but all the fresh water streams only represent one hundredth of one percent.
  • 14 billion pounds of trash is dumped into the ocean every year.
  • It takes 90% less energy to recycle aluminum cans than to make new ones 5 billion aluminum cans are used each year.
  • 84 percent of all household waste can be recycled.
  • Computers pose an environmental threat because much of the material that makes them up is hazardous. A typical monitor contains 4-5 pounds of lead.
  • Each year billions of used batteries are thrown away in the United States. This constitutes 88% of the mercury and 54% of the cadmium deposited into our landfills.
  • Approximately only 10 percent of every landfill can be cleaned up.
  • Ivory comes from dead elephants, its best not to buy it.
  • Gelatin is collagen that comes from horses. Vegetarians beware! (Thought I would add that one in there.)
  • Fur coats often come from endangered animals, it's best not to buy them.
  • One gallon of motor oil can contaminate up to 2 million gallons of water. so dispose of properly!
  • Here is an example of the water we use everyday: 3-7 gallons for toilet, 25-30 gallons for tub, 50-70 gallons for a 10 minute shower, 1 washing machine load uses 25-40 gallons, 1 dishwasher load uses 9-12 gallons. This is over 100 gallons of water a day per person!
  • Here is an example of how long it takes some things take to break down: plastics take 500 years, aluminum cans take 500 years, organic materials, take 6 months, cotton, rags, paper take 6 months.
For information on where you can recycle, go here:

Almost everything can be recycled! Shop smart, economical, and safe!

In future blogs, I will be posting household cleaners that can be homemade and are 100% safe for children and pets. Not to mention, they are inexpensive. Stay tuned.

Sources: and

You be the judge.

Though this post does not set the tone of this blog, I feel like I should express my frustration. Read rants at your own risk! This is not intended to condemn you, but to make you think.

If I said I were not a Christian, would you judge me? If I were pink and blue, speckled with spots, would you feel sorry for me? If I did not speak English, would you stereotype me?

Well, some of you so-called Christians are hypocritical more often than not. Where is your compassion for the less fortunate? Has an immigrant not earned the right to be happy? Your ancestors did. Guess what, white people-you're the minority. And guess what, Spanish is just as accessible as English these days. And has been most of my life. Get over it, it's not going to change.

Am I condoning people who illegally take a free ride over here and do nothing all day? No. Never said that. But everyone, despite their color or nationality, should have a chance to live out the American Dream. Live your life, set your goals, and stop worrying what others do.

Do you judge our President because he is black? Think about it. He's our President, have some respect, for crying out loud! On the other hand, if you were President, I would be booing you too. But I digress to politics, and I promised I wouldn't do that. No more.

I lived in Mexico, and I have seen the squalor and destitution funneling down the streets disguised of little boys selling "Chicle" and parents panhandling for pesos. America is cake. Did they judge me? Maybe, I dunno. But I can guarantee you that my Spanish wasn't as sharp as theirs, my hair wasn't as dark as theirs, and my hair and eyes gave me away as an outsider. But I was welcome, and that was the key.

So next time you press 1 for English, and feel compelled to curse immigrants for making you listen to our second language, remember that you should never assume someone's background. You don't know where they come from, what they struggled through, and what they did to make it here. You don't. Don't think you do. And don't think that you are better than them. Chances are that they are dually fluent in both English and Spanish, and that's more than most of you know. Yea! You were fortunate enough to be born here...they weren't.

Judgment is the name of this game--and I don't need you judging me, my father, my sister, or my friend.

Hopefully with this rant, I made some of you Christians, and non-Christians alike, think. Here is some food for thought:

"Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven." (Luke 6:37)

"You judge by human standards; I pass judgment on no one. But if I do judge, My decisions are right, because I am not alone. I stand with The Father, who sent Me." (John 8:15-16)

"One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord. He who eats meat, eats to The Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains, does so to The Lord and gives thanks to God. For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to The Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord."

"For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that He might be The Lord of both the dead and the living. You, then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before God's judgment seat. It is written: "'As surely as I live,' says The Lord, 'every knee will bow before Me; every tongue will confess to God.'"

"So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another." (Romans 14:1-13)

By the way, I don't think I need to tell you about who I am--I don't want to, because it's really not your business--but you have gone and done it anyway. Judged me, that is. So I'm a white female, which means nothing. And I'm a Christian. Hope you can breathe a sigh of relief now.